2 friends looking for a new alliance

Hey everyone, me and my friend are looking for a new alliance, we are more than capable of doing map 5 on AQ and participate in wars for those top placements

You can see our profiles within the attachments.

We have discord and will communicate.

Thanks. Have a good day

Add me on Kik for more info: Suley96


  • REiiGN15REiiGN15 Member Posts: 120
    You can join us, LotS2 (Lords of the Stars). We use LINE if you have that. ID: REiiGN15
  • Spazad_58Spazad_58 Member Posts: 48
    Hi, check us out [TNW14]. We use Line to communicate. Do maps 4 & 5 for aq and score 70 to 80m. Were G3 last aw season and have previously been G2. Have had some member changes so are looking for players that can perform in aq and aw. Hmu in Line or in game if interested.
  • TomTakerTomTaker Member Posts: 29
    Sent friend request ig
  • Lloyd80Lloyd80 Member Posts: 36
    I have room for both yall..sent an ig friend request my tag is cheflloyd with imiw as profile pic
  • SnoopySurfs_123SnoopySurfs_123 Member Posts: 30
    We are an all girl alliance looking for 2 guys, we are mostly strippers and hooters babes....... ok but for real:

    We are a well rounded, mature yet active team. We have a very funny group of guys and use Line. We run dual maps for AQ and AW and pull strong SA awards. We are growing and need a couple more guys to fill in the spots. Let me know if interested:

    Line ID: snoopysurfs
  • Ballerzlifexx23Ballerzlifexx23 Member Posts: 13
    If you're still looking check us out. My line is ballerzlifexx23
  • SwitchRoxSwitchRox Member Posts: 7
    Hey Suley if you and your friend have not found a home yet, you can check out our alliance (Alete) Team Bandit. We are a life first, kick butt second alliance running mostly AQ map 5,4,3 based on availability with optional wars. We do require line for communication. If you are still looking, message me on line! Name is SwitchRox. Happy alliance hunting!
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 361
    If you can do line to communicate we have a great home for you. We are gold 1, on the verge of pt4. we are pretty relaxed, I only ask that AQ and AW are taken care of, everything else is your pace. You will be tagged if needed. No donations no minimums no drama. We are running 54444 or 55444.we move fast, everyone does their part. We are all pretty much veteran players, lots of crazy skill and knowledge.we hit 400-500k for SA, most alliance event milestones reached. I'm very involved and organized. Really are a great group. let me know if you have any questions, or if you're interested. I will need somebody asap. Onky707 on line
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