The weakest class in the game RIGHT NOW

InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
Guys after all this reworks and rebalancing which do you thing is seriously the worst Class of all and the really the one who should be "Rebalanced" or buffed by Kabam

The weakest class in the game RIGHT NOW 178 votes

BuckyBruhNightwing6666_Barabbas_blazingskyx27 4 votes
DalBotDrZolaHaji_Saabdanm11Timone147Hulk_77JestressDeadbyrd9MhykkeAce_03LosspikRazorDevilGhostspider231INTEGRALbassalaNick_Caine_32zuffyChovnerLieto92adqqedfyvr 157 votes
Spity68 1 vote
MilesHolmwoodRasiloverWhatCouldItBe7dot_dittoBroccoliYashiDarkKnightOfMcocIroet 7 votes
DrownedGodSiddhantKwatraAknylmzThi101Zeronaut81AndTavRockypantherxNBSAIBatgod1 9 votes


  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    This class is literally endangered
    The proof: look at the votes
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    I know Mystic is pretty bad now, but the Tech class is not great either... many tech champs are meme tier and completely useless... like Iron Man, Hulkbuster, Howard the Duck, Iron Patriot...
  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    Thi101 said:

    I know Mystic is pretty bad now, but the Tech class is not great either... many tech champs are meme tier and completely useless... like Iron Man, Hulkbuster, Howard the Duck, Iron Patriot...

    But still there is a good sum of champs that can overshadow them.
    At least champs like duped iron man has regeneration good for the beginners
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  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    Why doesn't kabam just buff mystics and bring back their glory!?
    They are a ton of them - Dr.Strange, juggernaut, iron fist(s), Jane foster etc.
    (At least Ebony Maw is Getting Rebalanced)!
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Doom should be tech not mystic.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    All because of the mystic dispersion rework.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    Mystics used to be the apex

    Now they're laughing stocks
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★

    But I think Dr. Doom is going to make up for a lot of this and go straight to God tier.

    Plus, after 2-3 years of Mystic wars, I think it's fine that mystics spend some time at the bottom of the pile.

    I honestly hope he isn't mystic. Just because of how bad the others are.
    Doom will def be mystic:

    Besides, I think mystic is due for someone amazing, and I'm sure most will have mystic rank ups gems, Sig's, etc. Laying around anyway :)
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    I think one thing being overlooked is that the mystic class is the smallest class. That there are two beyond gt on the list is pretty good given that fact. Based on the numbers there should be more mutants on the list than any other the tier list isn't a valid measurement of power or lack there of. I think it is tech that has the worst champs and weakest...the entire im class except for iw ironman...
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  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    As for Doom? He came along just post wwII. He was a dictator akin to hitler who through his weapons experiments had badly scared his face and body. Like Darth Vader (and i am sure he was some inspiration for Vader) the suit of armor is to keep him alive. He was a ****/soviet/despot with dreams of ruling the world. If that origin doesn't scream tech i don't know what would.
  • J0NisCOOLJ0NisCOOL Member Posts: 115

    Well I am not promoting this list entirely but you can see that we got just 2 mystics in the beyond god tier out of which one is quite old and another is nerfed to some extent now, other than these both, the champs are great but not as great as their counterparts

    This is not discrediting you or Seatin as he is an awesome youtuber and great for the community. That list is an opinion. So many times I have friends and lower players basing decisions solely off that list. When you get to later in the game, you’re ranking up characters with strong counters over what Seatin deems as beyond god tier.

    I’m also not saying that those champs he listed are not powerful or amazing, it is just not the end all be all of lists. He states it every time he updates it, it is his opinion, and I respect him for doing so. Have your own opinion and play with all the characters and you can choose who you think are the overtly powerful mystics yourself. You might be surprised on who is more effective and well rounded in all matches and who is so niche he is a meh tier 90% of the time but still falls into beyond god tier on his lists. *cough cough* SS *cough cough*
  • WillTWillT Member Posts: 98
    I still use my scarlet witch but that's it as far as the mystics are concerned...can we please have a 5* SW . Mystics and tech are both disappointing. If it wasn't for stark Spidey techs would be a complete disaster
  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    J0NisCOOL said:

    Well I am not promoting this list entirely but you can see that we got just 2 mystics in the beyond god tier out of which one is quite old and another is nerfed to some extent now, other than these both, the champs are great but not as great as their counterparts

    This is not discrediting you or Seatin as he is an awesome youtuber and great for the community. That list is an opinion. So many times I have friends and lower players basing decisions solely off that list. When you get to later in the game, you’re ranking up characters with strong counters over what Seatin deems as beyond god tier.

    I’m also not saying that those champs he listed are not powerful or amazing, it is just not the end all be all of lists. He states it every time he updates it, it is his opinion, and I respect him for doing so. Have your own opinion and play with all the characters and you can choose who you think are the overtly powerful mystics yourself. You might be surprised on who is more effective and well rounded in all matches and who is so niche he is a meh tier 90% of the time but still falls into beyond god tier on his lists. *cough cough* SS *cough cough*
    Well I did clearly mentioned that I am not promoting this list just because even I partially take information from it.
    Just referred it tho cause know seatin is one of the amazing YouTubers with content for Mcoc...
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Zayo_278 said:

    I put 11 spirit venoms on someone in eq using my 5*rank 5 sig 145 doctor voodoo and it was doing 70 damage per tick. Either voodoo has been secretly nerfed or he's bugged

    that happened with Archangel as well in wars,i was barely able to put 6 neuros n it was barely ticking for only 300-400* , i am pretty sure it was atleast 4 times that
    logicaly, all approx values***
    5000/neuro for 15 seconds so
    30000 /6 neuro for 15 seconds
    which comes to atleast 2000/sec
    so 1000/tick.
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    edited September 2019
    Mystic. And it isn't close....

    Before I was deep into 5 and 6 stars, Switch was the answer to everything. They didn't nerf her, they crippled her. It was devastating what they did to both her and DS.

    Now, look at my first 5-65, Magik. You can't really backdraft like we once could. They adjusted the AI to no longer allow it, we all see it. Not the same. And it is because of what she could do. My first pass in LOL was with Magik. I pinned someone in the corner, and it was over; especially AW.

    And Mystic Dispersion? What Mystic Dispersion? It's irrelevant! Hell. Because of Blade, who everyone and their momma has at 5‐65, Mystics are all but irrelevant on defense.

    As all can see, I loved my Mystic class. Still love Magik on offense. But, they devastated a class that many used mass amounts of resources on.
  • otranksootrankso Member Posts: 18
    I think kabam needs to remove or revamp mystic dispersion . The mastery is op and when kabam release a mystic champ you can sense that they designed that champ around it so they always come underwhelming .
    Look at the other classes they basically have no mastery and the new champs are always decent to very good (with the exception of few).
  • Ohhchewy90Ohhchewy90 Member Posts: 201
    Mystic they only have two god champs S. Supreme and Magik anytime else is a disappointment
  • tsc0809tsc0809 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2019
    Mystic are trash right now.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    J0NisCOOL said:

    Well I am not promoting this list entirely but you can see that we got just 2 mystics in the beyond god tier out of which one is quite old and another is nerfed to some extent now, other than these both, the champs are great but not as great as their counterparts

    This is not discrediting you or Seatin as he is an awesome youtuber and great for the community. That list is an opinion. So many times I have friends and lower players basing decisions solely off that list. When you get to later in the game, you’re ranking up characters with strong counters over what Seatin deems as beyond god tier.

    I’m also not saying that those champs he listed are not powerful or amazing, it is just not the end all be all of lists. He states it every time he updates it, it is his opinion, and I respect him for doing so. Have your own opinion and play with all the characters and you can choose who you think are the overtly powerful mystics yourself. You might be surprised on who is more effective and well rounded in all matches and who is so niche he is a meh tier 90% of the time but still falls into beyond god tier on his lists. *cough cough* SS *cough cough*
    Damn, why am I using my rank 5 SS almost every day in AW and story quest.
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    Hopefully Dr.Doom and Man Thing will change that. But now , it's mystic without doubt.
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