Should I upgrade my 3* Cable? Please help me!

SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
I just got a 3* Cable but I don't know if I need to upgrade him!


  • kiddokiddo Member Posts: 18
    Upgrade any and all champions to the max if you play arena. That includes 1* champions. Takes a lot but you'll be rewarded in arena with ranked rewards
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    kiddo wrote: »
    Upgrade any and all champions to the max if you play arena. That includes 1* champions. Takes a lot but you'll be rewarded in arena with ranked rewards
    You use 1* champs?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,322 ★★★★★
    Yes, 1* champs to kick start Summoner Trials.

  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★

    So, let me give you a real answer since no one else seems to be lol. For starting out just upgrade your 3 stars. The materials required to do so are readily available later in the game.

    If the question is more akin to is "cable worth leveing up" the answer is still yes. He is not the best character in the game, but he's perfectly decent and has some good damage and utility.

    The only time you should worry about upgrading a character is when they use up tier 4 basic catalysts, class catalysts or the tier 2 alpha catalysts.

    Everything else is pretty easy to come by as you get farther into the game.
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