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Is Symbiote Supreme broken?

I was just fighting Hyperion in AQ map 5 and I had Nulls Shadow up which is supposed to help you resist full damage from a special and he launched a SP3 and with 85% health I got ko'd immediately. Anyone else having SS issues like this? Also if it me or is genetic potential not filling up nearly as fast as it used to about 1 to 2 months ago??


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    PrezRio4PrezRio4 Posts: 84
    The Shield you gain from Nulls Shadow is a few seconds shorter than the Null Shadows phase itself, so if Hype launched you the sp3 near the end of Nulls Shadow it is possible to be ko'd
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    JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Posts: 131 ★★★
    I have also found this issue, where im taking way more than the 5% cap... Also, i receive more than 5% damage through a block at times too, so its doesnt work through a block either
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    JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Posts: 131 ★★★
    @Octoberstack this helps yeah, i forgot, keep thinking its 5%.. Although i have eaten sp3s and died like op has also said.. I am also really struggling to parry with him
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    OctoberstackOctoberstack Posts: 872 ★★★★
    edited October 2019

    Im also, struggling massively to parry with symbiot supreme

    @Johnnoooooo It can take a bit of time getting used to his long sweeping animations - they end a bit later after a combo compared to other champs, so it can be a bit harder to line up the parry timing when playing aggressively. I'd say keep practising in arena to train your muscle memory and learn the visual cues for his parry window.

    @Octoberstack this helps yeah, i forgot, keep thinking its 5%.. Although i have eaten sp3s and died like op has also said.. I am also really struggling to parry with him

    This must have happened during the last 5 seconds of Null's Shadow (when the 15% protection buff is inactive)?
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    klobberintymeklobberintyme Posts: 1,503 ★★★★

    @Octoberstack this helps yeah, i forgot, keep thinking its 5%.. Although i have eaten sp3s and died like op has also said.. I am also really struggling to parry with him

    5% is ice armor.
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    NicCagiusNicCagius Posts: 8

    Im also, struggling massively to parry with symbiot supreme

    you cant parry if you end a combo with a medium with Supreme

    If you use MLLLL you can parry 100% percent of the time.

    it took a while to train myself to use Supreme like this.
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    TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Posts: 1,233 ★★★★

    Im also, struggling massively to parry with symbiot supreme

    I personally use MLLLL combo instead of MLLLM as its easier to immediately parry right after
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    ShrimkinsShrimkins Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    NicCagius said:

    Im also, struggling massively to parry with symbiot supreme

    you cant parry if you end a combo with a medium with Supreme

    If you use MLLLL you can parry 100% percent of the time.

    it took a while to train myself to use Supreme like this.
    I parry all the time with SS after a medium...
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    zbot34zbot34 Posts: 443
    @Octoberstack thanks for the insight. I have overlooked that part of the description of my opponent has buffs at the time of attack. I believe Hyperion has 1 power gain buff active. I do know I was still in that 10 second window though for the reduced damaged but thanks about the reminder about the 50% reduction for each buff still active
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