
  • Very unfair, like that's like 4 objects they can skip if they want to.......bruh
  • Please explain this issue, I am valiant and did alllll the objectives including the tech objective for week 1.........I just received the missing point today totalling at 9 points. Someone else in my alliance started at 8 points like me and he received 4 points now totalling at 12. The pictures below is show my 9 points…
  • Thank youuuuuu, how could he possibly's not like I ran with 4*s lolllll
  • BTW lying and saying I got banned is not a good look for you
  • We'll it didn't put the screenshots in order but yeah this most of what I have, WHAT really HAPPENED......dudes in global saw my account and attacked me because my xp lvl is only lvl49 and saying it shouldn't be possible I told them I've been grinding everyday for since the 26th, and did a speed run through story and when…
  • Ps......I'm not banned I'm still rightfully playing I neverrrrr cheattedddd. I'm honestly disgusted, on top of which you don't even know how easier it is to progress through TIME, SKILL, STRATEGY AND MONEYYYYYYYYY$$$
  • You are so wrong for this I DID NOT CHEAT OR DO NECRO 100%, I ONLY COMPLETELED IT AND BOUGHT ALLLLLLLLL THE PARAGON CYBER OFFERS, I'm not re explaining myself......only kabam and my credit-card knows the truth.......arggghhhhj so hateful for nothing I have so many screenshots, I grinding the NEW account from the 26th of…