髙橋家 ★
When confronting Diablo in Chapter 2-1 of the Throne Destroyer in the event quest, Nimlot uses 40 units of 40% resurrection potions to use items, and as soon as the battle begins, as shown in the picture, Nimrod and Diablo disappeared and I lost the battle.
It can't be helped if that's the case. Thank you for reply
Doesn't this make players around the world angry?
Why is the price so different between the Apple Store and Google Play, even though the big offer is the same? I bought 3 Odins for 15800 Yen at the Apple Store this morning, but it's 12800 Yen on Google Play and it's very unfair and pissing me off that I can buy 4 for the same amount. Doesn't this solve the problem?