4cyke ★
isn't supposed to be fixed long ago? why does it still exist? can't explore 8.2 because of this in bahamet fight. pls keep your word, kabam, and fix this.
couldn't it be AI just got "dex" & "stand your ground" masteries when we were not looking , guys ? you know , like The Amazing Ingenious ? Joking aside , this happened to me a few times , as well. alongside ai dexing heavy back to the wall.
and what about AI's recovering time ( hit stun, block stun, recovering heavy,etc)? why have those been getting shorter and shorter ?
Com.Pen.Saaaaa. Tion !!!
working as intended. harder ai more potion cost. the enjoyment of players , tho...
then what's week 5 for? can we get some clarification ?
will week 1 's entries expire on week 2? can we use week 1 ' entry on week 2's quest?
eq 1.1 boss also crash game . i'm guessing all the other eq bosses do this , too. Fan-effing-tastic.
eq 2.2 mojo boss , crashing every time. can't finish.
so this is the feeling of being trolled ... i was asking about crystals pool update , not the rotation
finished full exploration today,have to say i agree with you. seeing exploration rewards , i just feel tired. it take too much time even with right 5*r5 champs. they should boost reward or lower the difficulty , or better yet- both.
Then add some , please and thank you.
so does op's problem. but that's not the point, isn't it?
how do you ppl know it's not kbm instead of prc? after all they never bother to fix incursion for cn players. and it seems the problem is not limited to cn players , some indian players are affected ,too. all the money they got from july 4th can't be spent on better servers , huh?
unlikely, it's quest completion. press wrong you just need quit or something. meanwhile there're accident purchases around with all those popups.
yeah, there's something about the dex window of techbot's heavy. it feel like the act5 p2099's heavy , not the normal ones'
unable to login, either.
is it back now ? seen nothing in 25.2 update info. thx , man
is it back now ? seen nothing in 25.2 update info.
So AI's block stun didn't get shortened ? Then pls tell us what exactly DID change so that all of sudden ai can attack , backstep , fire sp while blocking . From what i read on the forums and myself's experience , this happened to a lot people with a lot different champions against a lot different opponents . So it may not…
anyone?in long fights , maybe lol?
It still happens. Unlike some bugs affect specifiable charcters or nodes,this affect all players, so maybe we shouldn't move on so soon . And on this subject , I'm not so sure it's a bug , more like a intended change : First , guard/block stun is a common concept in FTG , basicly means the period time you stuck in (unable…
can confirm this . not always happen , but quite often.
i ran into similar situation ,except in my case, ai can recovery and block during my 5 hits combo: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/142290/ai-recovery-mid-combo#latest before they made hit into block unreliable , now they make direct hit unreliable... i wonder what's next
It's simple,they reduced ai‘s recovery time,so it came after you earlier . Not smarter , just can react faster than players . IF AI's Guard stun is shorter than players' , it's unfair.
against epic bounty mission ultron prime , with proxima syn , after my successful heavy following his evade, he evaded moments later and killed me. then i noticed that blue little eye was not there.
With these sparkles i still can't see what he's doing. If anything it made it harder to see his move because of the contrast , and cost unnecessary system resource. bravo!!!
seem a good fit for me. but i only use ingame chat. ingame id: 4 Cycl0ps (it's a Zero not O) contact me if interested.
Can somebody explain: why do we have to buy one of these deals to unlock another ? why can't we just choose one to buy from start? what's kbm's reasoning?
Unlikely it has anything to do with hardware spec . my experience: no game file change until UI glitch appeared , missing images happened after unintalling & reintalling game . and then , after reinstalltion via vpn , the missing images & loading time issue go away , with the UI glitch. And now if i don't play via vpn ,…