
  • Maybe it would be easier to simply answer "wait until tomorrow and you will get the rest of the tasks".. Don't you think? End of discussion, at least for me, it's really irritating for me at deep night time to discuss nonsenses with a forum rat with more than 5k replies about nothing. Get a life, and try to answer the…
  • No i was unable to decode that it was a completely different objective, as everything is completely new for me after 3 years of not playing MCOC, the whole battlegrounds, these Onslaughts, everything. Give an old man a link and we don't need to have this pointless discussion. The old man can read, and can undersand, he…
  • Do not quit, practice.. Nobody is unbeatable, maybe they will make a mistake, you not, and win. Also , for me and my average roster, the fights are pretty challenging - and fun.
  • Thank you very much for the quick and complete answer! Really appreciate that! Also I am happy that 2 months worth of units from arena grinding has not been wasted :sweat_smile:
  • Thanks for the grammar lesson , really appreciate it. That special tab had 6 "tasks" the seventh one had that X/6 progress bar, so it sounded pretty straightforward for me that i need to cleal all 6 of them. I've got a typing lesson, but no answer to my question. So here nothing changed in the forums, no help (actually…
  • so how to get that 7* 1->2 ? As I've said, I am new again, had 3 years of pause (before 4 years of being an active player) , everything is new for me, even the AQ has no nodes :D and nobody playing that :D I can read, I just don't know where to start, some link ould be helpful, or if you think i cannot read, send me a YT…
  • wait, so where are the remaining 2 tasks? I've cleared the whole task panel
  • I;ve got these 4 royal hunt objectives, and the last 2 were to kill that jabari panther with x-force and that prowler thingy, or am i wrong (again) ?? And I am Paragon at the moment, back in the game after 3 years of pause.
  • And now what? I've completed ALL 6 objectives, and no reward? It's a glitch, or I've spent 800 more units to fight with 5* r3 prowler? :(
  • Bye bye 600 units! :D Thank you for the quick answer
  • Hi, there is that side quest, with Size:M and Control denial tags, I've finished it with my Iceman, andthat special task is still not finished.. What I did wrong? Or it's a bug? I've used a filter when picked my champ-to-go, as I don't have a Prowler at 6 or 7*
  • the reward is amazing! 1 gold!! ::)
  • Friend request sent