Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Just as well... off to work! I will continue this back up tomorrow... thank you all!
  • I'm not arguing I'm correct. I believe what you're saying about your account is true. But that happened TO YOU. As for me and my account, it's far weaker by comparison with FAR MORE time invested. I'm here to learn about any disadvantages to having a Fair Trade Market System that couldn't be countered with a well placed…
  • Fair enough. And you act like the brain surgeon has been working with a scalpel this whole time. The chef knife in hand has everyone believing it isn't broken because most are happy. I'm offering a never before seen scalpel (to THIS hospital... other hospitals are currently using it).
  • If you want to play that hypothetical card then I counter with: I had to pay potential money to get that Doom to trade with in the first place. Business as usual.
  • I disagree... if this game has changed, I don't see it. It's still as hard to obtain new 3 or 4* Champs as ever. In fact it's worse... now that the roster has expanded, I'm opening up MORE Champs I don't care for instead of the ones I want because of the odds.
  • Thanks, but somebody else ALREADY convinced me pages ago that there are differences between "God" and "Bad" Champions. Yes, I get that not all 5* fully ranked Champs are the same. With that said, I would still gladly give up a 5* Doom for a 5* Iron Man. The Summoner that sells me said 5* Iron Man goes on to become OP... so…
  • More explanation is still needed... This OP Summoner you mention... don't they already exist? What harm has come of it? This rotted away Summoner (like me)... what harm do we pose to the gaming community?
  • Bare in mind, I didn't start this post... a fellow "sympathizer" did. But if anyone did want to speak up, I don't knock them for remaining in the shadows. This debate is NOT for the faint of heart.
  • Ah, and now you're assuming I have the hand-eye coordination to follow YT tips in my game/fighting skill style.... thanks but I am REALLY not that good. I do have fun playing though!
  • This only solidifies my point. At no point did anyone gain TWO apples and someone LOSE an apple. It's all good.
  • You missed my very first post about how I was on hiatus (frustrated with this game) from 2017 to 2020.
  • How has this discussion kept sympathizers from speaking up? I will say it again if I must. IT'S NOT EXPLOITABLE (already proven in previous comments using MY PATENTED Fair Trade Market System). The game balance would remain simply as before. 6* Iron Man on your main, 6* Doom on your 2nd... BOOM! When you made the trade, no…
  • Ultimately proving my point... I don't play to win. I play to have fun with an Iron Man at my disposal. I'm a Unicorn.
  • I've been stuck on this same act for YEARS... doubt 30 min. a day is going to cut it with my current roster. And these 3*s are THE STRONGEST current Champs in my Roster too.
  • Good stuff Pico! But how many hours per day? Can I achieve those same results on just playing 30 min. a day? Because that's all the time I can afford.
  • That's a gross misconception. Nowhere in any of my previous posts have I admitted to ever WANTING to pay to get Champs. I simply want to offload these 4* Champs I have for a 4* Iron Man. Period. Speaking of, if the Trade Market were Live today... Would anyone want a 4* Super Iron Man, Vision, Miles-Morales, Black Panther…
  • Kabam has already emailed me that it's not outside the possibility of ever being added. Finding someone to trade with is not an impossibility either (think these very message forums) and it will actually gain money from the added demographic of "collector" gamers in addition to "hardcore" gamers.
  • This is profound. You nailed it right here. Trading does NOT count as building a roster. So the act of needing to acquire NEW Champs outside of the Trading Market would have to occur as usual. In other words, an added trading market still means EVERYONE is going to have to use skill and dedication to grow a roster…
  • But those people that got lucky and pulled an Apoc they're willing to sell... they can ONLY trade with fellow Alliance members that have an equally rated Champ in the first place. 16 other members can scratch and claw their way to the front of the line to offer you $30 real cash for the trade, but if they don't have a…
  • Responses in bold above. Very fair assumptions in each though, kudos!
  • By this point however, we're delving into the realm of alternative possibilities... Sure, Kabam COULD have made some amount MORE money had trading not been available. But on the flipside of the same hypothetical coin, Kabam would be gaining that same amount of funding from new players being drawn to the game for the first…
  • The Fair Trade Menu would show both Champs in queue and ask if both players agree to make it final. No cheating like you mentioned would take place.
  • I'm grasping at possible nuances and have so far effectively countered each as it has arisen. The system WILL work, as it has in other games and can here as well.
  • It's the latter, I'm lacking the knowledge (hence why I'm here). Your above scenario seems super complex yet hasn't tripped any of my "why is it a problem" buttons. Not seeing a loss of funds for Kabam, not seeing an unfair advantage against casual f2p accounts... etc.