A_rock007 ★
No, I pause for a split second just to make the timer visible. Dont know whether the invisible timer is a bug or a feature at this point tbh.
One QualityOfLife/QoL update or request I would like to wish is that battleground tier rewards go into the stash instead of going directly in our inventory because of the pop-up feature of said rewards. In this way we can manage our keys better (9k limit) and not let the excess overflow go into waste. This would be better…
@kabam Why cant the quest team implement an energy gate after the fight/before the end node? That will satisfy your "cost requirement" and it will also be energy worth spending for the players cause the fight is done. Losing 10 energy on 7 dead tries would suck less than an energy gate of even 70 energy POST fight.
Well that's the thing right? The node says he shouldn't regen past his phase cap. That's the bug I'm talking about.
Following your logic, the summoner plan is also quite simple: pay to become paragon via act 8 questing. And then pay some more to buy the bundles. Kabam still makes more money anyway...
For a future livestream, you should interview Kabam Zero on how they identify QoL issues/redundancies (like are there community managers combong through social media and the forums or is there a much more official way of identifying player QoL issues. And what's the process behind it all once the issue has been identified.…
Maybe you should spend less time on the forums if it bothers you that much. Other than that, thanks i guess. 👍
@"Kabam Jax" @"Kabam Miike" could we please have confirmation for this? So we can migrate our alts in same alliance as us.
Oh and what about those consumables? Does that gifting also need to be in the same alliance?
I have a doubt: Can my alt gift me GBCs if it's in a different alliance than me?
Man you're on fire. Congrats!
The basic, thanks to the upcoming update.
I'm glad a lot of the reserved 5*s are now being made available in the basic pool
Basic, in about 1.5 hours
Your changes are the best gift to the community ever. Imagine doing the summer of pain without a restart button lol, many of us would've just given up. More ideas for QoL updates: 1) Re-Duel button and 2) Auto 'Ask-for-help' in the arenas
There is no increase. I dunno if it's a visual bug or an actual bug. It should be increasing the PI of all champs on the team.
@Djin I know that. The synergy states "All champs gain +115 Critical Rating". So why doesn't the PI of the other champs increase too? Why does only Annihilus' PI gets bumped. This is what I was asking...
@Lvernon15 no they didnt as you can see in the 2nd image
@"Kabam Miike", ok I hear you but when CAN we expect the netflix Daredevil buff/rework?
Act 4 runthrough ?
I was doing trials and had just boosted up. Quite a 'fun and interactive' playing experience... smh
Thank you all for your responses. Glad to know that detail @Patchie93.
Although 'the winter soldier' comes in a close second
Captain America ww2 when I was new to the game around 2yrs back. Still have him . Looking forward to r5ing him.
You won the mcoc dad joke challenge
Seatin, BG, richtheman, Dave, Jade sura in that order
Yes spring calendar was for promoting groot (gotg vol2) I guess.
Save for next month. Bishop and sabretooth will appear. That is, if you are still unsure of this month's offers. Other than that always buy both.