AbelHasArrived ★
i dont have any of them but just wondering who is better
Alright thanks for ur suggestions :)
@LibertyPrimeV1 What is the highest fury king groot can have? I'm also not saying king groot is bad but just wondering how much furies he can have at max.
@YoMoves Can king groot have more then 10 furies?! I don't think so, he can only gain a small out of furies. @LibertyPrimeV1 I totally agree with you.
@SkyLord7000 Lol sorry if I wasn't specific enough
@Monke I agree but OML in accutally underrated
Angela doesn't even need buffing. Maybe buffing the ones that need it badly would be better. Og black panther and miles
His fury are really powerful tho
@Denzel116 why would i be clowing.... U should know how exciting it is to open your first or second 5*. But i still got 4* quake and gulli 2099 ig, they help more then all of those champs i sold together.
If i had waited for 7 more days then i could have opened it without selling champs, but just not patient, you probably don't know it feels like to get your 2nd 5* (maybe you do) and boy o' boy, i would have done anything for it, special if it was my first 5*.
But I really wanted a 2nd 5* that’s why.
They should have started with black panther and spiderman (Miles) first because they need it badly, unlike angela who doesn't even need a buff.
Spiderman (stealth suit)- I've heard you've been messing with my girl...
Ik guardian would win against long fights and maybe dragon man for short fight, but who do you generally think is better? @Yodabolt21 thanks for your opinion
wait for real?! I always thought of that, and i'm pretty sure spiderman is on avengers because he works with iron man
@ThatGuyYouSaw235 Very nice! It would be also be really cool if you had a picture of him, but great work!
@TheBair123 Morlun would also be really strong if he was added into the game,he killed Noir.
@will-o-wisp and @ThatGuyYouSaw235 Smart thinking, but i don't think they exist lol
There are alot of spiderman but adding 1 more wouldn't be a big difference.
@Demonzfyre hmmm ur right, its just a video game. And about Nova, aint he in the avengers? I saw him with iron fist and spiderman once (3 years ago), so thats why and where is he anyways??
Vision and scarlet witch are actually a lot more stronger in movies then mcoc. They don't really need buffing but they are just not as strong as they are in movies.
@BinkPlayz I finally know how to use ghost but quake is simply impossible.People tell me its easy (hold, she will evade if they attack u and then stun or dex it) but i tried all of that but it wouldnt work. Also i'm not too good at this game, started play late cosmic ghost rider/red goblin update.
Im just saying almost all avengers need buffing, mostly vision and scarlet witch....
Did u guys forget about the featured champs? Like proffesor X, Cosmic ghost rider, Apol and more, shouldn't they be like top 5 and i don't feel like ghost is good enough to be top 2, not even top 5.You might disagree but its just what i accutally think.
stealthy is really tough to fight. I hate the way he evades and barely gets stun.
Iso are useful, but i think we should have got iso and 4*/5*/6* shards.
Ghost is really tough to use, idk if its only me or whatever but i just dont understand, its almost impossible
Alright thx for ur feedback Ed