Yay! It's finally working again for me, too. I have a OnePlus 6 and was using my old, shelved OnePlus One. It was slow and I could only play for about 30 minutes before it ground to a halt, but at least I could log in and get something done.
Check out this thread: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/99761/loading-time-and-images-issues-20-1-merged-threads#latest There's a solution /workaround posted that might help you. It worked for me for about a day now I'm back to missing images and slow load times again.
The Google drive fix worked for a day. I'm back to slow load times and missing images. I have no idea what changed. I guess I'll try doing it again but I can't be doing this every other day. That's ridiculous.
The Google drive solution worked for me, as well. There are still a few small images that don't load, but everything else seems to be working again. I can move around on maps again and load times are back to normal. Thank you!
I am having the same issues with champion portraits not loading and interminable wait times when moving on a map. I'm also getting the white empty blocks where some graphic elements should be. OnePlus 6 OxygenOS 9 Im seeing lag on maps and some rooms, especially the crystal room On wifi. Suddenlink, Southern Nevada