
  • Hello? Still using the app? Is there anything that'd make it more useful? or Is it even useful? Thank you.
  • You can certainly tell someone in your alliance who has Android phone and try this app. I have been wanting to learn iOS development as well, so one day for sure I will develop iOS app too because I know iOS user base is large. One day my friend haha. Thanks, it looks like this though:
  • Perhaps I had thought about this in a different way than the way you are actually telling me. I thought players can install the app and then select their champs and officers can find them in app and get their champs - Yes, that would require for me to have a server. But currently, you (or an officer) can select 5 champs…
  • Yes, I have heard about that website but also heard complaints that it doesn't work. Personally haven't tried that though. Really happy to hear that you mentioned node placement information because I really think it would help officers to not think a lot and quickly place on the given node info inside the app. Thank you…
  • I am extremely happy to hear that the visuals look nice. That is what I was going for because its easy for officers to just take a screenshot so players can just see and place without thinking or asking questions like who should I place and such. This is the first version so I tried for only the most basic functionality,…
  • Coding is fun! And I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you for the comment. Hopefully you'd try and give your feedback.
  • Thank you :smile: It would mean a lot.
  • Yeah I agree with those suggestions. I started this project for fun to solve a problem from the perspective of officers. The thing is that the ability to add champs for a player would require a server. Currently I made this app in a way that I don't require any server, but in future, yes I will be thinking of how viable it…