I would love to see a feature that allowed saved 5-champ teams. That way after playing something like danger rooms, or daily quests, you wouldn't have to rebuild your team to play the event quest. You could just select a saved team and start playing instead of going in to change your team and waste your time searching for…
We have 2 positions that just opened up in our 3 mil alliance if you're interested. Line ID: bodybag143
If you are still looking for a chill alliance we are looking for 1 more. We run map 2 and 3 consistently and are hoping to do map 4 sometime soon. Let me know what you think line ID: bodybag143
Need 1 more summoner to join us. We are at 2.9 mil with the ones who just joined.
Thanks everyone for your interest. We have filled the open positions.
Marty2smarty, add me in game Body Bag143. There's been a decision to only add people with a base hero rating of 50k+. Sorry, sperez333