Aleor ★★★★★
After is even better
For every fight you can use Chavez with Odin pre fights (what I ended up doing actually). Also I guess mr4 prefight may work fine, if you spam sp1 fast enough, I only used him with venom on sparky (worried fine) and r1 vox vs toad (only managed to get him down to 80% and finished with AC from there)
Not really. Just finished 9.1.3 mid path (7*shards, some power gain node), it may be very annoying and much more champ restricting. Also I believe it was supposed to be cosmic champs path, but what I ended up doing was spamming heavy with America Chavez to stop power gain with Odin pre fight to remove damage reduction. It…
No idea why, but I can't see the poll. Whoever decided it was a good idea to vote in instagram, thanks a lot
I don't really remember if it makes you get new 7* much faster or if it unlocks any new content (like maybe more objectives in painful things). If it does, probably yes. But personally I explored necropolis to get the title and I had maestro as an option anyway. And iirc, completion gives you a class crystal, so I'd try…
Kinda meh... I'd take Hyperion gladly, as I don't have a 7*, but shehulk is so stressful to play and I don't have any place I'd use my 6*. Not sure if there is a place for a 7*. With how bad and boring vision turned out to be, not hyped at all
The side filter is kinda ok, even though it never was a problem. Another good thing is you can use iso from the box, that's nice. But that new design of single event is horrible. And how milestones slide from the right side and roll through... That's disgusting. I'd wish some "designers" understand that simpler is better.…
No idea
It's better now
Keep in mind that aegon makes final boss fight relatively easy except reversed control phase
I'd go knull. Hype if he was duped
I hoard
I guess you only want to rank up for bgs (why else?) Therefore corvus not an option, qs gets first vote, choosing between omes and omred I'd choose omred even without suicides
The only reason to grind arena is units. Anything else doesn't really matter. No reason to change it, just avoid it as much as you can
You can also do light heavy after dexing. Light attack won't make contact and his heavy animation will continue, but it will also push you a little to the right side. Preferably do that while he's below a bar of power, otherwise ai activates it sometimes before you land heavy
Kushala, Adam, bishop and deathless Hyperion once I get him (I have a cosmic gem waiting for him)
As a chill f2p player I don't really have any gold issues (except irl, but that's a different story). If I need extra golf, I just open gold crystals, no idea where they come from. Also I can't say I get many new champs. Even if you do, just don't level up those you don't use
7r3 is better, witch I voted for. Ranking up a 7* to a level you already have a 6* is pointless
I stopped using 6* omsen once I pulled nimgod. Don't get me wrong, she has some thing going for her, but I just here her slow and boring play style. Im rework was solid, so it would've been an easy one for me
X23 and wolverine will outheal blade because the can go to 100% and while their regen is rng based, they also have a high enough chance to trigger or in medium long fight, guaranteed for long fights. Btw, in short fights (bgs) blade regen is kinda useless, as he can't go above 70%. If you're using blade with trinity, may…
Your tldr is as big as the initial message Also x23, wolverine, abs, duped Adam, Chavez iirc, Angela, bishop, deathless guillotine, Joe fix it, kg, dkg, knull, omega red, rogue, sw, venom are all better imo in terms of heal then Blade
Oh, I actually remember collecting disagrees on the forum for saying that Hype is better then Blade back in the trinity time. He's indeed not in his best place ATM. That being said, I would take him over Ronin, so I can't call him the worst 7*, I guess
I actually use both 6r5a CGR and 7r3 Adam more, then I use Herc. It's not that many difficult fights today, and they both are faster
Lowering is good, but I would've prefer 0 per step. 1 would be kinda ok. 3 is still too much to waste it for fun, if you don't have refills expiring
I'd prefer coldsnap on sp1 with blue beams, and maybe replace sp3 charges conversion to some fury/aptitude/whatever instead of heal, those would make more sense imo Maybe increase his aar per charge while sp3 charges active. Not sure they'll go that far, Hype is already a very good character
If it's an official pic, red eyes is thanos, top right vision, top left Hype. None of them looks like sw
I'd love to see Hyperion. Vision will most likely be useless, unless he's completely different champ (wich is not likely to happen, given guillotine and kg)
I can only assume they expect some people to miss some daily objective, and then some of them will be tempted to buy units with cash. Personally I'd say so this "great rewards can't have grace days" is just bs. Personally I would also prefer one week long challenging event over boring monotonous objectives with incorrect…
Herc will save you some revives and mostly a defender for bgs to steal some time. Cgr is basically everything else. I actually was using my r4 cgr more then r5 ascended herc, now cgr is also maxed. In quests cgr just destroys things super fast, so you don't really have time to die, but also saves a lot of your time doing…
Are they worth trying to acquire? If you're asking about future upcoming champs — sure. If you're asking if I'd recommend to spend units to get them for some crazy price — definitely not. They're fine, but don't really bring anything super valuable so far, at very least to my roster.