Alexxキング ★
my man u called her a him and a her in the same sentience
In-Game Name: AquaaSavaqqe Device and Model: Redmi Note 3 Pro Device Operating System: 6.0.1 Cellular or WiFi: Wifi Game Version Installed: 20.0. Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Danger modes, opening crystals and just everywhere in general Description of the Issue: lagging, choppiness, in game freezing making it…
Redmi Note 3 Pro Android 6.0.1 Update 20.0 Massive lag in all game modes.
I haven't got my pym particle disk yet?
so my 10k t3 chaos shards are useless awesome
My Redmi Note 3 Pro Never lagged now it's consistent since this new update