We would entertain any mergers but you would have to join us and I would be in charge as leader. Sorry just been doing this so long that I don't trust anyone else to run things. That being said, I am very relaxed and provide a lot of autonomy. I don't micromanage and treat everyone with respect as professionals. I don't…
Still seeking 2-3 positions. We are always recruiting. Personality, and character are valued here. We are proud to say that all of our members are very respectful and friendly. There is no ego here despite having some impressive players. We are seeking someone who is friendly and respectful.
We've had a lot of high rated guys join us They don't communicate. They chose not to join our Line group. They lurked and hoped they could do things on their terms. We kicked out those guys. So we back up what we say when we claim we are interested in unselfish team oriented guys who communicate well. We care more about…
As mentioned, follow the instructions as provided above We are always looking for good candidates. Even if we are full and you might be interested in joining later, send me a message on Line. Tell me why you might be a good fit and provide photos of your champs.
We are a legitimate and true relaxed alliance. Others are advertising as being relaxed but if they are playing map 5 each week and requiring contributions, they are not a relaxed alliance. We are the real thing, come check us out. 13 million strong! We have the best of both worlds. Great players who compete in AW but chill…