Amanda ★
Thank you, I hadn’t noticed the sigil had increased the item space while active!
It seems as if they’ve lowered the amount of iso you can keep in your inventory. I sold a few then tried to claim some that were expiring but the claim button was greyed out. I went back to my inventory and it says I have 50/45 in my inventory. Seems they want you to pay to get back to the storage level we had before.
Thank you @TheMageHunter for these tips. I don't quite understand Materies (hence why mine aren't set up the best) so I thank you and everybody for the tips on how to make them better. I really appreciate everybody's input. @Ah_boy8 I love playing X23 I'm happy I got her to R4. I wish I had a 4* Storm. My 3* duped Storm…
Thank you @winterthur for the information!
X23 is at rank 4. How do you suggest I fix my masteries to maximize her use(I use her a lot).
Thanks everyone!
As an update, I pulled a 4* Winter Soldier from my 4* crystal today. Is he a good champ to play with?
Seems like I'll rank up Wolverine. I'm just waiting for 50 more 4* shards for another crystal and I'll see who I get. Really hoping to pull a mystic as I don't have any 4* mystics yet. Thanks again everybody!
Thanks everybody for the suggestions and thanks @"Kabam Pertinax" for moving the thread to a better place
Thanks for the input. I'm not terribly in a hurry but I have about 5 T1 Alpha catalyst that are going to expire in 12 days I wanted to make sure I use up before they expire is all.
Now that I look at an image of the degeneration symbol it's possible that was what I saw(and makes more sense). Thank you for the info @Isman1998
Hmm I thought it's was the poison sign, the skull and crossbones in the red circle