Antoseum10 ★
Never undeserstood people wanting to buy end game accounts. Must be fun like 5 minutes, maybe ? Are your buying finished games in general? The point of such games is to make your account grow to something you can be proud of, not paying someone to have a lot of champs you can't use because you don't know how to play them,…
Same, used two boosts, a few revives and healing potions and was to around 40% of Dust when I got kabamed... Hopefully we won't just get our pass back like "Oops sorry, try again bro!"
Hi, I was breaking my teeth on Dust from the Elite bounties, and while I tried to heal myself the mission just disappeared. Is it just on my side or a general issue?
I think so too, I'm just sad because I don't have an account wich allows me to one shot these, so losing progresse and revives like this is frustrating...
I really hope we'll be compensated otherwise I lost one run and some revives for nothing...
Firstly, the rewards are not that interesting for advanced players. Secondly, there are no ranking rewards. So no need to get too involved to get all the rewards. Fix these elements and the people will be here.
Kabam should have set some sort of ranking rewards instead of useless titles, then we would almost have reached the million by now...
I see a lot of CGR as defenders, but when you know how to dodge his sp1 he is easy to beat.
Do we have any idea when the banquet event will be held?