Arkky ★
Closed. I have left the alliance.
Still looking
Currently looking for 2. Please contact if interested!
Usually we stay about the same, maybe drop one level if we lose a couple. This is the biggest drop in such a short time I have noticed.
Member found.
Currently looking for 1 member, please contact on Line if interested, thanks!
Members found, thanks 🙂
Looking for 1 more member atm
@Siliyo currently, no
Still looking for a member if anyone is interested, thank you!
Found, thanks!
Looking for 1 member because someone is retiring - please contact on Line if interested
Not looking for members at the moment.
Looking for 1 member. Please contact me through Line if interested 🙂
Looking for 1 member. Info same as first post. Please contact on Line if interested, thanks!
Members found 🙂
Wait it is tomorrow. I don't read well apparently 😂
Ah, okay, thanks! Some of my alliance's members are TB so was curious if it had been revealed.
Is there a login calendar graphic for TB, perchance?
With sound effects, but no music usually. I will turn sound off if in a public place.
Battlegroup 1
BG isn't back until August 9th
True. I should have said just choose the reward you like best rather than making an assumption 😆
Just choose the TB reward. Some people would rather gold and they can choose the Paragon reward. Since they match with the spreadsheet of rewards, the rewards are probably what were intended.
I thought this sidequest was okay. I liked the option of doing it when you want to, and the store/objective rewards were good in my opinion.
I just finished today's objectives, but it is showing the next ones will show up in about 7 minutes? This doesn't seem correct.
True, didn't think of that, honestly. 😅
Oh, okay. Mine were not showing up to begin with - got them about 1.5 hours in.