Army43 ★
I am trying to connect my existing account to email address .. it’s not associated with any emails ..
How do I reach out to see that gets solved and hopefully get my missing rewards
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and clear all bg 100% and war for all bg with heavy diversity as we take it seriously !! We r gold 1 , tier 4 so platinum is very easy this season !! We r looking for 6k prestige player who can clear aq and aw easily ! Someone who…
Still looking ? We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43 Hit me up
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
We r 16mil Allie .. currently gold 1 and it will be platinum this season ! We run 5 all week and war for all bg with heavy diversity ! Let me know if you r Intrested !! Lineid army43
Hello midnitewulf u can join us if u like, Add me in Line Army43, Its same as Game name !