Avengers_00040 ★
hye! after how many days can one get the legend title after 100% exploration of given quests in given time?
is investing money good in this game?
5* cosmic ghost rider
thanks brruh
guys i hv become uncollected
hye guys!, i just added 5* mister fantastic,void,red skull,cosmic ghost rider,iron fist to my roster but i am short on resources so whom shd i rank up?
but i already ranked up him
hye guys , i want to rank up my 5* champs to rank 4 and i only hv 3 options: 1)karnak 2)mister sinister 3)rhino and whom shd i rank up?
hye! should i rank up my 5* champs or max out my 4* star champs?
isnt mister sinister good?
but iam currently using nick,hyperion,she-hulk,civil warrior and mister sinister
u sure about spidergwen?