Bigmf99 ★
Same for me.
It's me. My attack team is locked in. Restarting 5x does nothing. Kind of a disadvantage for the rest of the alliance.
Two stacks of Diablo poison aren't enough to take down a 6r3 champ in under 3 seconds unless you're up to somewhere around 10000% fury.
That is a huge amount of damage coming back my way.
Sorry my gif editing is so terrible.
Oldman spider GGCs Hercules animations are top-notch.
Holy HECK! I've got 41 million gold! Buying it all.
It's currently 7:35 AM where Kabam is headquartered. I imagine they have 8-5 work hours like most people.
Colossus and Venom. s' all you need.
Worked out ok for me.
Take the cyclops!
Me too.
Closing out and restarting fixed it for me.
If you have a 5/65 or 2/35 Corvus, Tech path is a breeze. The first fight has always been one of the Visions so you get two charges on the easiest fight.
I didn't get any intel either. I did update before I ran the Red Room Ops.
Four amazing, four less than amazing and Yondu. Who's pretty good.
Captain America, Namor, Winter Soldier and Human Torch (even though he is a different one) in some sort of Invaders synergy. Then they need to add Union Jack.
Time after time 3.1 2 energy on the bottom line
Cull with five charges. "Evade failed" message will pop up a few times while you smack him around.
Yeah, but with those little one-star clowns he's running against dormammu, at some point in the hour it would take to drop him, anyone is going to make some tiny mistake and take some damage.
No. Impossible. You have to block somewhere along the line and that would show some damage. Particularly if you have to block a Dorm special attack. Zero damage taken is impossible in the long run.
I have 480,000 more points to get in the Catalyst clash arena. You have no idea how frustrating this is.
Why does this always happen when I decide to grind for a t4 catalyst?