Bilbo_the_57th123 ★
Thanks for your opinion guys
Also it’s just my opinion
I’m saying that is a good point on why they haven’t yet or won’t but I still think they should change it.
Good point but even though it is they still should change it
iOS 13.1.3 iPad In game name: Bilbothe57th This happened in alliance quest
That’s kinda what I was thinking as well. I was just wondering if people would really want a 5* crystal as compensation.
Good point but if the issues were still in the game it would be bad as well. But they probably should give more than just 1 5* hero crystal
@"Kabam Miike" could you please use this poll to decide what kind of compensation we will be getting
I have the same issue
iPad (normal) iOS 13.2.2 I can’t collect my special rewards from yesterday.