Bladeslasher2002 ★
I would pay for that
Too true
How bout that
Iron Man infinity war was so excited because it rolled off a iron patriot and that would be the third time dupe from crystals
@Fugitiv21 Literally just pulled this from the boss rush crystal 😂😂😂
Joke or serious I can't tell😅
Oh ok yeah that's cool the only six star I have is a 6* Deadpool x-force😥😥😥 I have terrible luck with six stars I have pulled him twice in a row out of the 2 6* crystals I've gotten
Do you mean 6* the champion or just a six star champion that you have?
Dude how rude are you he is referring to the horrible disaster 9/11
Dude you guys were right I've been messing around with aegon and he is so op!
True but I don't really have many sig stones for him
I have a generic five star awakening gem aegon or Medusa I can't really tell which signature ability is more beneficial
Hey rtm would you be offended if I told you I had never heard of you before today so sorry but I checked your channel put and now I'm addicted 😂😂 good luck on your proposal 👍👍👍
What the heck everyone knows that 😂😂😂
Five star corvus rank 4 and five star Medusa rank 4 were my MVPs for 100% act 5
Good luck 👍😁
Thing is that are you prepared for the collector boss before I got him down he was one of the most annoying fights I have ever done so just don't go in cocky on act 5.2.6 because it's ok to fail alot of times I know many a YouTuber who was super annoyed with this fight even seatin and he's one of the best mcoc players I've…
67k with 5* rank 5 Colossus
What name the chair? 😆😆
I haven't been playing that long what is the chair?
@M1k0rin which captain America?
You forgot your trademark ending of warden out
I mainly like fighting thanos or types of hulk because it's hilarious seeing tiny characters beat up huge Giants like that 😂
Can someone please tell me what the secret is I don't have Time to play the event quest because I'm focusing on act 6 😣😣
Thoughts and prayers 🙏 I know how it feels to lose someone dear to you last year my little sister died of cancer 😢😢
corvus captain sparkles or Hyperion