I used r5 4* SL sig 80 for all the fights. Easy Peasy. Longest fight was against Wolverine, a 350 hit combo,also one of the easiest. DON'T complete 5 hits combo against CM, that way if she lands her l1 right after, you won't have time to dodge. I also tried a 3* max out Guillotine, Sig 7 but could never gather enough soul…
That's no WiFi or connection issue. Apparently the patch update has some missing files even after downloading. You need to copy and paste few specific folders(missing files) of mcoc to your device from another user(who's able to login). Clear app data and try a fresh login. There's a YouTube video on the same. Worked for…
@Dongowarrior And I hope, lightning strikes you down. Buhahahaha.
@Dongowarrior Who are you to say and what are you doing about it? Everybody is entitled to their opinion
@Dongowarrior Clearly you're not aware of the split up between break time and actual work hours in a typical shift, based on the job type