
  • I've not had a problem with that, my problem is the start screen, I picked 3 tech champs and pressed find someone and they turned up with 3 tech champs and it started with no chance of me changing my team or asking him to change his team.....ITS JUST STUPID
  • It's not very good when you have to pick your team before you can find someone and then they turn up with the same class of champs and it Starts straight away and your shafted, it needs sorting out, the pairing up system is ridiculous
  • Rank up 5* magik her sp2 power lock will help you out
  • I've made him r5 and he's a beast, get all 4 missions done and he gets more charges and the missions are easy to get
  • In game name 👆
  • No other factors to consider other than to make you buy units, I'm item free AQ, maybe a use a health pot now and again if I take a few hits in war and want to boost the health of a champ before the next fight. It was nice to have a steady trickle of glory coming in for 5 days. They have made war harder with extra…
  • I'm all for improvements but this just to make you spend on units
  • Did you not notice when doing these quests you get an offer pop up wanting you buy them with units which is really why they have reduced the amount of t3 class you get from them, I can remember you only had to do 2 or 3 runs for 2-3 of them
  • It's just handy to have some glory ready not just for war but for other things like t1 alphas and t2 alpha shards to help rank up champs, ever heard of if it's not broke don't fix lol