Brimstone ★
If your still looking I’m a long-time player I’ll be leaving my current alliance after this current war cause I’m not a highly competitive player and the alliance got to that point, soI said to them I’d make room for others, my game name is #1brimstone, friend me if you still have room for players.
We have a spot open if your interested check us out alliance tag: GMAA
We do have a spot open in our alliance if your interested alliance tag is GMAA check us out.
Queenie we are looking to find a few replacements for a couple people not working out for us and think you two might be a goid fit our alliance tag is GMAA check us out if you want or if you want to chat more and have line look me up there id is brimstone.
We do have one spit open in our alliance if you want to take a look at us our alliance tag is GMAA. We’ re a pretty laid back alluance that’s trying to improve on wars, we just got rid of some of the inactives so like I said we’ve got some room.
Mind you we are full but have a few that don’t participate much that we can boot if need be.
If you are still interested Golden Marvel Assassins is stilllooking to improve, we are a sorta laid back alliance that knows this is only a game and if you have more important RL stuff to do we understand that comes first. Look up our alliance if interested our tag is GMAA.
If you still haven’t found a place Golden Marvel Assassins alliance tag GMAA would be glad to have you we are I think a pretty chill group but always looking to improve if interested look me up my alliance tag is #1brimstone.