With the amount of BS that's been going for too much too long, I just quit bothering myself. I still play, less of course. I left my alliance. And I most definitely will not spend any cent in this game. Even if any decent offer were to appear, but it wont, because they are beyond ridiculous. Why?! Let me ask you. Do you…
It has already been stated. And it also coincide with the end of marvels movies series. I think.
This is in fact very unfortunate. I too have been plagued by this **** for months, others have too. In fact all of my alliance mattes are suffering from this, and some have quitted already. And recently all of the bugs (made bugs) "proc" more frequently. But don't get your hopes high. This is "working as intended", it is…
They are not going to fix anything. Everything is working as intended. In less than 2 years the game will be down, and in even less time no one will be playing this. So, meanwhile, they will just milk the players as much as possible. And any thread like this one, and others alike, will just be closed.