CGR6supreme ★
"Your thing looks small"🤣
He needs the dupe or not? Cuz i cant dupe him rn
Ikr lol although i only opened 1 skill mutant dual 5* crystal it got me crossbones
Who the hell is that lol
Namor because mags at r2 can still instant ko. Also if Namor sig200 hes a beast not only for prestige
I didnt put that option cuz its obviously groot no one can argue with that but whos 2nd best? :D
Lol thx :)
Im getting bullied cuz people think im someone else im not :/ do i change my name?
I AM new wth guys
Yep i checked rhe tutorial and changed it lol
I named my self like that cuz i have a 6* cgr and i use alot thats it :/
Uhh what is all this about i swear im new is my name the same name of someone else or what?
I put an others option lol
Guys say who do you think is best mutant if you vote others
Wish my mom was a mutant lol
If you vote others say who
Huh wut