
  • He doesn't need an Awakening, but the utility it brings is nice. Damnation Power Locks, as well as Fate Seals and Heal Blocks. This counters tons of Nodes and Champions. Think about anywhere where there's annoying Buffs, Power Gain or Healing, and he can turn it off. He only needs Sig 1, more Levels only increase the…
  • Honestly you people smashing Disagree and LOL just have know idea what you're talking about lol, you're so clueless
  • Besides that, he is also extremely new. Hardly anyone knows how to play him, or even how he works. There are only a few in the community that have mastered him, that I know of.
  • Because it's EXTREMELY niche. This takes a long time to ramp up, and by the time it is ramped up, the opponent is dead in most content. At least for this exact Rotation you displayed. For other ones, it has been used, it's just hard to notice because the window to trigger Buffs during the Power Lock is so small. You only…
  • It's not bugged. This is how he works. Whenever his Power Lock or Damnation is active, you cannot inflict any more Judgements. He can still inflict more than 5 Judgements, but while the reset is happening, he cannot inflict more. This has been tested. This is for balance because if he could, he would be able to trigger…