The shadow society check us out
I'll get them all up as soon as I can just takes me awhile....should I be able to beat Road to labrynth with my champs? Because I havent yet
I don't have the skill set yet and cant get enough stuff to rank them all up dont grind hard and only been playin about 5 months
None are awakened my wolvie sl and stark are and they're all r4
He has neurotoxin now so I just didn't know what the plus is with him.....everyone swears by him but I think he doesn't need it and I don't have a high regen champ except wolvie and it's seems low not awakened even with the masteries.....but SW is crazy good too who ever I take next to r4 will probably get it just didn't…
And should r2 my 5star memphisto or take another 4starchamp to r4
Yeah I don't have a ton of 4 star champs but I have 6 that are in god tier my 2 r4s are SS and SL so I feel like I need someone with good regen to help me or save it for a different champ that is better awakened
Good call that's who I'm gonna do thanks!!
I just learned about the brackets from someone and wondered why i got stark and star Lord but no one else found out it was from these brackets that were in place I'm not worried about it I just grinded like hell and can hit 2 mil and still can't get any one lol
Your still in an end game community playing aging people with a 358k hero base compared to someone below 100k