Camwulf ★
One other issue: changed AW BGs for entire alliance. Cannot join/place defenders in new, assigned BGs. Old defenders and old groups are still being displayed. This was done between wars during off-season. Currently in the midst of a 24-hr break. Please advise. Thank you.
Juggs works well. Just bash away
In-Game Name: Camwulf Device and Model: iPhone 12 Pro Device Operating System: 16.3.1 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 38.0.0 Game Mode: Alliance War Description of the Issue: Game hangs on pre-fight screen prior to entering battle screen. Then disconnection dialog box appears. Reconnects immediately. HUGELY…
This needs to be addressed. Other areas of the game when you get disconnected, then you restart the fight. No other screens, just a fight restart. It’s silly that you lose half health and get a loss for not even making it to the fight screen.
This is also occurring on the English version of the game. Test of Thronebreaker solo event associated with purchased Summoner's Sigil is not refreshing.
In fact, just checked. I have two yellow token pieces left, but no green champion tokens. This sucks
You will be short. I’m missing one token. I think it’s because the canteen didn’t show the next available as unlocked in order to progress. Hence I can’t get last two. Even saved what I needed for 5-star awakening gem … just not the one before it. Very disappointed.