CarmaJ ★
Can't believe after all these comments and still nothing acknowledged or addressed. It is a mess. Why are all 3 BG's open during placement. We don't run all 3 never have, only 1 or 2. I have people placed in bg3 that shouldn't be. As a leader (or any officer) should have the ability to remove/move as needed. Unacceptable.
Please give leadership the ability to remove and move players between Battlegroups. We have people on vacation etc that didn’t remove their defenders and so that spot is taken and not used. The concept is great (no more adjusting) but not if the members aren’t moving themselves.
Admin message above addressed this.
Our AQ started but never notified, then when I clicked continue it took me to battlegroups then kicked me out and restarted timer. It is currently saying starts in 9:32
Posting for someone else, please contact them in game since I have no contact with them at my email address In-Game Name: Yo Ali A~1 Device and Model: iPhone 7 Game Version Installed: latest version installed yesterday. Happening in EQ & AQ but not arena. Description of the Issue: I can access the game, open crystals etc I…
Came searching to see if I was alone in my frustrations with this. I needed just one and can’t claim anything but next up in expire order. Driving me crazy!! Hope this gets fixed soon. I know it is low on the totem pole but still a pain in the xx.
Update 7:05pm est ours just arrived.
6:30pm est no SA rewards for our ally yet. We did get arena rewards within 3 hours lol
Thank you Kabam Zibiit!!!
Yes I checked about 1am my time and it was finally back. Thank goodness. Who knew battle assignments could be so hard to follow for people without the tab haha
It is really making it difficult, with new members, getting them to the correct battlegroups. I just checked again and it is still crashing system. I hope a fix is soon, this isn’t a huge deal but it kind of is too.
Case # 05572810 ~ Haven’t heard anything back either place (Email or Forum) and crash is still occurring. Just checking in on progress basically, thanks :)
Glad our alliance isn’t alone, I thought I was losing my mind haha. Hoping it gets fixed soon. We are also affected on both android and ios devices.
Thank you so much. I did also start a ticket before posting here. Have a great day!!
Adding to the mix. iPhone 7plus, IphoneSE in game name Carmajrk~1. Crashing on WiFi and cellular. IOS 13.5.1. Thanks. Someone mentioned the FB refresh being issue but mine is refreshed and still not connecting.