Carnage313 ★★★
Hey Jax, Since your thanking people for bringing inputs to your attention can my shadow ban be lifted now. I was shadow banned by either Mike or zibit for talking about the issues back in August. I don’t see it being very fair to be shadow banned when your thanking people.
Why must they continue to have these ridiculous node combinations while input issues and poor AI exist. Fix the game first!!!!!!
Whybother when they took what little fun factor that was there completely out of it. It’s been bad enough with input issues and increased AI they go ahead and do this hot garbage.
Leave it to kabaam to take something good and completely ruin it
And cue the usual kabaam trolls
The irony of this is I’ve been shadow banned since August for complaining about input issues. So now his post probably won’t show like all my others. Yet cheaters are allowed to run rampant and people throwing insults are still free to roam.
It’s just horrible. So sick of losing battlegrounds because I can’t evade or block.
This game is just so ridiculously broken!!!
They don’t care anymore!
Can anyone see this post or is kabaam still shadow banning my posts? Let me know. Other than that my inputs have never really been fixed.
None. Won’t spend on a broken game. And the fact I’ve been unjust shadow banned for months. Guess I’ll find out if my post shows or not.
They never left!
Love how people disagree when it’s an actual FACT the game is broken.
Good to see the mods on here addressing our concerns with over a year of issues………..oh wait 👎
I’m excited for the game finally being fixed late 2026
I want one of the mods to get on here and say the game is officially fixed and that’s why there has been no compensation. And since they won’t we deserve a statement as to why no compensation. Ignoring and deleting comments and shadow bans doesn’t make the problem go away. So Why do you continue to remain quiet?
Still have yet to receive it. Bought it well before bug was fixed. Just sent a ticket to support since thread is being ignored. If they give me the run around then I’ll take it to Apple.
Nope nothing received yet.
More like past year
Agreed. The amount of silence and burying of issue is maddening.
Personally I think it balances out all the unnecessary damage we continue to take for input issues and the over tweaked AI.
Every single one since the input issues and everyone in future with the input issues. Along with over tweaked AI
The game is still horrible. So tired of havto restart content because of all the dropped inputs and having to deal with the nodes that capitalize on those issues. Then at same time with the increased AI that is also supposedly deemed as a “bug”.
Oh no 🙈 you said the “C” word.
Yes the speed increase is very apparent. I’m getting hit by specials that I used to be able to dodge with ease. It’s been talked about for months and all that’s ever said is nothing is changed and might be a bug. Then it gets closed and buried in without discussion. Just like the one a day or two ago.
My alliance have been wondering same thing. I keep monitoring that thread and nothing.
Agreed. Worst version of map 5. If inputs not working was bad enough. The over tanky defenders take way to long. The spider verse champs make very little difference. And the way over tuned AI which they claimed is a bug and that they never changed them I call BS on. Yet still silence on all accounts and we still have to…
Apparently not
So still absolutely silent on map 5 huh. 🤔