Obviously not a straight one to one convert but I mean any extra gold would be appreciated. Or instead of xp boosts after lvl 60 they become like 15 and 30 minute gold boosts.
I have had this issue for quite awhile. I play on a samsung galaxy s8 and just used three 6k health potions in aw on my storm and then couldn't control her one bit. You would think with all of these maintenance they could fix the issues like this but hey. Why keep your player base happy am I right?
Well if I could get back on then I could see. For now I'm running off of the screenshot of it stopped on 4* storm.
Lol. I screenshotted mine troll.
I am in the same boat. It stopped on a four star then the servers dropped out.. guarantee I won't get the dupe or even my phc back. It was only magneto marvel now but still... Edit: just checked my screenshot. It was storm not magneto marvel now. My bad.
Aww.. they changed my name from kabamsucks...
The fact that they have had two emergency maintenances today means that somebody might be trying to really get them good. Lol. Kabams devs are finally forced to do something for their money instead of s*** offers.