
  • @kabam crashed I mean if y'all want more people to play AW, the reason I stopped playing AW is because the rewards are irrelevant. If I joined a plat 3 war ally, it'd take a full calendar year to get one r3 from war rewards. In a full year I'll probably have 30 r3's and possibly a r4. It doesn't have any impact on my…
  • Not to mention... 99.99% of us are NOT in a top 5 ally. I haven't gotten a reward worth getting from war for YEARS. We get gold 2/3 and it might as well be a premium hero crystal.
  • I'd for sure take Future Antman
  • The pictures posted out of order, but like with hulk he's healing for 167 with 3 regens and salve/willpower, then right as that 3rd regen wears off he ticks again for 167 even though he now has 14 debuffs on him
  • They changed incursions to have powerful pro-relic hacks, and then the next month there's a path in EQ that punishes you for not using a relic. Two months in a row seems like a trend to me.
  • My solutions would be a) don't make content punish you for not using relics or b) move the striker button to somewhere we don't already tap or c) don't have relics be strikers
  • Yeah for this specific path in EQ it's not THAT punishing, I'm just saying I feel like this is becoming a trend. I'm worried 8.2 is going to have paths you can't do without relics
  • Carina's Vol 3 took me about 150 farmed revives + 10,000 units. What exactly is being "trivialized" by having some revives? Who is making you cancel upcoming content because people have…
  • Update on this, this past week my input issues have seemed a lot less severe! I've had a little bit of issues but not as severe or as frequent, seems to be running at pre-January levels again. Much more playable! Not sure if it was the March update or an IOS update or what
  • It doesn't seem to make any difference if I'm on my wifi or someone else's wifi or on cellular data. My carrier has changed, my phone has changed, I've even moved during this time. And on my 2nd or 3rd phone. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with my connection or device. But I wish that was the issue because that…
  • Stun and Passive Stun are both considered a stun. The difference is Stun is considered a debuff, and Passive Stun is not considered a debuff. So passive stun bypasses "debuff immune" but not "stun immune"
  • So, it's NOT including sig stones used?
  • fyi the title of your post makes it sound like you're looking to join an alliance, not recruit someone :)
  • I've been using a r3 moleman for like a year and didn't even know about this bug. I just didn't frenzy when I needed true accuracy. His character sheet specifically says he can't have both at once. So to me, this change is no change at all, and Molegod is still Molegod.
  • I haven't done cav eq in like a year because I don't want the rewards, don't look like they've changed at all? Except the new objective for t3a/t6b, we'll have to see how much that is. If it's a significant amount I might do it again.
  • I'm fairly happy with DPX's new kit. As a stand-alone mutant champ I probably wouldn't rank him, but if you frequently bring him to quests for synergies already (fury or omega red) he's a lot more useable now. His damage is decent and he's surprisingly tanky with taunts up. He could've used another piece of utility for…
  • I'm extremely happy to see this. Act 6 is currently way harder than act 7, which doesn't make sense, and The Champion boss in particular is such a brick wall for people. I'll probably go back and explore act 6 now. Having super difficult challenging content is good, but it doesn't need to be on the primary progression path.
  • Well that's what I'm trying to say, when we do content now we need 50 specific champs anyway. So how does having some of them locked to war help anything? I need to rank half the champs in the game whether I lock champs or not so all it does is cause annoyance.
  • I appreciate the inputs, but yeah for me, I don't wanna bring my 5r5 into 7.2 when I have a 6r3 locked to war. I just put it off and put it off and put it off until my free time happens to sync up with champ availability. I participated in war this season after a long break from it and really felt like doing war stopped my…
  • Same. iPhone 5s, T-Mobile, works on WiFi, on data game instantly says unable to connect to network. Couldn't join AQ for 9 hours while at work. Please fix this.