ChiknLoVr ★
I'd be over the moon with a 1* Hulk gifted to me, just saying lol
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" May I please contact you via your work email? I believe we can have a proper, constructive and mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and a conversation about this issue that indeed has effected your player base negatively, and may even result in an upgrade to your product.
Current Alliance ranking last war before the season ends. As yall can see we were really close, 2nd season in a row now. Needing a few P1 level guys to join a good group and bring us over the hump.
whats your Line ID?
Hey Suel, check out my post if you're interested this is our ally, looks like it would be a good fit
Hey Everybody! *UPDATE* We're looking to fill one spot again now, maybe another potential spot later down the road also if you have a buddy you are looking to join an alliance with. [2099] The Future is now at 17mil with a 2864 AW Rating, finished in P3 last season... looking to be minimum P2 for this upcoming season.…
Unfortunately, I think it is working as intended..
Bumpin' on up Looking for 2 that would like to continue to handle the **** that is this clown fiesta of a video game in tier 3. Just got war rating above 2400 FYI, placed rank 260 AQ 5x5
Mephisto supposed to be incinerate immune
SAME. Achieved first milestone only from last arena, never got a Goldpool. Need a ticket to re-enter
So @"Kabam Miike" we're seeing a huge improvement in 19.0.1 as compared to 19.0, fantastic! Are we having the same in-game performance as 18.0? No, we are not. But oh well get back to whale wars everybody!! We do deserve better.. What way, shape or form Mike, would you prefer for the community to communicate to you? It…
Ok well I just calmed down lol, I suggest we all are F2P players and the constant issues like this won't add stress and take happiness away from our day to day lives.
LMAO... you guys are SOOOOO fast to merge the thread, but to actually take care of an in-game issue or to even respond...?!?!?! Non-existent. BTW how long did it take to fix Captain Marvel's L2... year and a half as an example. List goes on and on
Title says it all... Servers.
Beginning of the end?
Hey we're 16m 2200 rating looking to break into Plat3 for season 3. LINE ChiknLoVr, I've reached my search limit on LINE for the day apparently
Hey message me if interested LINE:ChiknLoVr. 15 M pushing for Platinum next season
Hey sent you a request, lets chat on Line if you're still looking: ChiknLoVr
Request Sent
THIS also. Obviously if I've got the free time to take off work for a video game I can have other **** to do instead, the day off work is not the issue whatsoever really, it's that we can't plan anything for this game. Special arenas like this require more time input than usual. It's the fact of the matter how Kabam have…
you wouldnt be on a forum if it didnt matter to you to
THANKS for letting us know the day before.... I didn't schedule time off work or anything for this at all so no worries there! This overheating issue has been going on for how long now?? And NOW we're deciding to delay it, when decisions for other delays happens days and days ago.... un-real. Yes exactly you guys cant send…
NICE! Congrats man, I got 28th but we both have the same badge now!
Or still drunk from Canada day
I think we're all tired of all the lack of things that can and should be done, but aren't. Why we as a community feel no connection to Kabam, only to the game itself. Stop being lazy basically, cuz if you guys aren't lazy then we don't know what is ever actually happening.
..guess not
Supposed to be 20m ago?
How are you feeling about that time?
Has the cutoff window ever been so narrow as in like 5 min before?