Choa_griffie827 ★
In game name- choa griffie Device model- lg stylo 6 System- Android 9 Wifi & cellular Version- 25.0.1 Game mode- mostly aq It started out by failing to load into a match in aq and would send me back to the map screen after serveral mins of loading, i found locking my screen amd unlocking going back into the game would…
Hey bud we are a laid back allie running 553 and g3 in war add choagriffie on line for more details
Need recruits asap
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G3 currently Damn auto correct
We are usually g2 but just dropped to g3 cause were 2 short in game name is choa griffie Line app Id is choagriffie
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Looking for 1 currently g2 alliance looking to move up in war we run 5x5 or 5 and some 4 during wars we usually hit 70 -90 MIL in aq but we are a zero pressure alliance life always comes first donations are 70k gold 5k bcs and 8k loyalties add me if your interested choagriffie on line app
Looking for 1 currently g2 alliance looking to move up in war we run 5x5 or 5 and some 4 during wars we usually hit 70 -90 MIL in aq but we are a zero pressure alliance life always comes first donations are 70k gold 5k bcs and 8k loyalties add me if your interested choagriffie on line app
Looking for 1 currently g2 alliance looking to move up in war we run 5x5 or 5 and some 4 during wars we usually hit 70 -90 MIL in aq but we are a zero pressure alliance life always comes first donations are 70k gold 5k bcs and 8k loyalties add me if your interested choagriffie on line
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Add me on line choagriffie
My profile in game is choa griffie our alliance is Dixie Normus check us out
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Line ID is choagriffie
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