Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • I can’t get this **** to fall off in Phase 3. Got him down to 69% and I’ve used a striker and I have used a special multiple times but nothing happens. Anyone have any tips? I’ve used Doom the whole fight and haven’t had any issues until now.
  • Well now apparently we got another AW placement issue in my alliance. Got 2 new recruits who placed champs but according to them can’t change them out now. So they got them placed but they can’t swap any champs out. It’s like they’re stuck in there. Also got a guy I recruited after them that can’t place at all which is…
  • So just when you thought this issue should be concluded with Raids being over it apparently isn’t. I decided to not shut down my alliance and make it an AW/BG alliance and of course none of the 5 guys I picked up can place AW defenders. I got them all before AW matchmaking even started yesterday and when it concluded they…
  • Here’s a photo of what it shows now.
  • Well we won our last AW of season. Wouldn’t have been as close if the placement issue was resolved but never was fixed thanks to Kabam. Diversity would have been 145 instead of 140 but we lost an AW two wars before this one bc of this issue. I’m also disbanding my alliance now bc I can’t handle running an alliance when…
  • I submitted a ticket, did screenshots, and also had my new member do the same. Their response was they’re looking into it more closely and that they were going to close the ticket after he gave them pics & videos of this bug. They also told us to check the forum page for more updates on this issue which I’ve done every day…
  • Yeah I don’t know what’s going to happen. They told my new alliance member that they’re going to close his ticket but to keep checking this forum for more info about this bug but I haven’t seen anything and I keep checking daily. This puts my alliance at a huge disadvantage for this AW we are in plus the last AW of the…
  • Got the same thing going on in my alliance. Got a new guy in my alliance after one of my guys randomly left with our 3 last AW’s of the season (figures). He sent me the screenshots showing me his issue. In order to enter the AW to just do the attack phase he has to use like a back door route by going to Spectate BG2 and…