ChronicGemini ★
@BsuGuy we are looking. Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini
Hey there! We are Stress Free and Drunk and currently looking for 2-3 players to join us for next season AQ map 5 with 4400 glory weekly 3BG AW G1-2 Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini
Hey there! If you're still looking, we have a spot for you! We are Stress Free and Drunk and currently looking for 2-3 players to join us. AQ map 5 with 4400 glory weekly 3BG AW G1-2 Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini
Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini We are G2, almost G1 in AW and running map 5 AQ, scoring 300mil weekly
Have you found an alliance yet? Would love to have you join us. We are G2 AW and run 5x5 with epic/Master mods Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini
If you're still looking, hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini Mix of map 5/6 AQ. 300mil weekly 3BG AW finished G2, wanting to push for G1
Hit me up on line: chronicgemini
We have room for 6. Hit me up on line and let's chat! chronicgemini
What are you looking for? I couldn't find you on LINE, but hit me up and let's chat! chronicgemini
Line ID: chronicgemini Let's chat!
Hey man! We are currently recruiting for maps 4 and 5. Hit me up on line: chronicgemini
Hey man. Hit me up on line: chronicgemini
Hey man, hit me up on LINE: chronicgemini
Hey man hit me up on LINE: chronicgemini
Hey man! If you're still looking we would love to have you! Hit me up on line: chronicgemini
Couldn't find you on LINE but if you are still looking hit me up on LINE: chronicgemini
Still looking? Hit me up on line: chronicgemini Let's chat!
Hit me up on line: chronicgemini Sounds like you are what we are looking for!
Would love to have you join us! We run maps 2/3/4 and AW is optional. We use LINE to communicate to make things easier. My ID is chronicgemini. We have beginners, alts of experienced players and advanced players in our ally. We all work together and help each other grow. Hit me up on LINE or in game (ChronicGemini)
Still looking? Hit me up on line: chronicgemini
Message me on line: chronicgemini
Hit me up on line: chronicgemini We are running maps 4/3/2 and have everyone from beginner to experienced in our ally. We run 3 BG war as well, but it is optional.
You still looking? Line: chronicgemini IGN: ChronicGemini
One spot left in 4/5 alliance!
5/6 alliance is full. Still looking to fill 2 spots in 4/5 alliance!
(RSOX!) Dead Avengers Unite. Line ID: chronicgemini
Hey there! We have the perfect place for you! We are currently running AQ maps 4&2 and will be adding a third BG for next AQ series. Our goal is to help newer players get ahead in the game and work on their skills and champs. Add me on line: chronicgemini
Yes we are. What's your IGN? I'll add you and will send an invite.
Hey there! Still looking? We at PJC! currently run 3x5 and 2x5. We are here to help people grow and better themselves and their accounts and eventually graduate up to our big sister ally RSOX! Check us out! We use line. Hit me up! chronicgemini