Cinadin ★
I agree. The history needs to be available throughout the whole AQ so we can monitor activity. It would be incredible if this form had 'today' on it and the data was live. This would quickly help officers see who is missing from AQ.
AQ is working for my alliance. Arena, story, events, daily, etc isnstill broken.
Still having issues after i installed the hotfix. Tried the daily fantastic 4 event. Fought with Ghost rider vs Morning Star and was KO'd (genuine loss). Finished the fight with blade, GR was then at 50% health and Mornung star at full health. Fought her again with Blade, won and I lost 50% of my health and morning star…
I wish there was an option to downgrade 1 t4cc to 2-3 t4b. Selling isnt the option, conversion is, and would be a perfect black market option. Would help quickly balance lower level players to being able to compete on higher tier content. In turn, this would make game/champ balance much easier.