
  • Actually, non prejudice people DO see those factors and then accept them. To distance yourself from another’s viewpoint is the divisiveness that you speak of. Instead of not seeing it, see it all. This is true. It is a flawed argument. Instead of “not seeing”, one should “see all and accept and appreciate” - probably a…
  • I see that. But Psylocke is a white british woman in the Physical incarnation of an asian body. Another loophole unfortunately. Albeit a very attractive loophole lol
  • That would be the larger “diversity” discussion, that I was not looking to get into. I just know that there are SOME out there and that I would like (not need) any or more in game. I feel it would make the game more enjoyable for many and that is what it’s all about. I forgot about the Shang-Chi movie coming soon, I am…
  • I find it more interesting that many find it important enough to push back on these feelings instead of just saying “huh yeah not a lot of asians in game, oh well, does”t bother me” Instead someone says “This guy posted about ethnicity. I’m going to comment about brining it up” So far, many people’s argument is “Can’t you…
  • Been playing for 3 years and the moment my friend asked the question was also the first time I noticed. It is not about making a stance, just about making an observation and a suggestion. I love the game as is but no harm in putting it out there to think about.
  • I understand. But know that everyone’s escape is different. I would just like the option to escape as an Asian character :) It reminds me of when I played Final Fantasy games as an escape from school stress and I would change the character names to mine and my friends. It just made it that much better.
  • Just FYI. This is not a complaint. Just something i noticed and decided to bring it up for discussion. No need for resistance.
  • Back at ya ;)
  • I’ll give you the inference. Quality research. Just wish it could be more actual and less inferred. Thank you for the info.
  • Pakistan is in Asian. Good catch. I will now play a whole account with Kamala Khan loo
  • As is this comment.
  • In Game says from the “Nightmare Realm” and “made her way” To the Temple of Vishanti. Curious where you got Indian?
  • Kamala Khan, Muslim, from Jersey City.