Coolc5050 ★
Just wondering if @"Kabam Miike" can clarify whether they will be just sitting there or not as it’s gonna be very hard to get 2 lots of platpool
I got the head from the side event and now got another from the crystals
Black panther was my first 4* and black panther civil war was my first 5*, Rest in peace king #wakandaforever
Enlighten me with insightfulment o wise ones
Need another member, add my line if interested
Still looking
I’m 1 path away from 6.2 100% that path being the no retreat champion path, is it worth doing it for better compensation?
Never mind he has a 10% chance to place fatigues when you attack him
It’s just inversed like normal, so swipe forward to dodge her specials
I’m guessing it’s based on progression