
  • I regret that button from existing in game haha Jokes aside, I vote to have something on configurations to disable that button from level up screen.
  • So let's get a Raccoon with higher combo stronger than a OG Hulk, cause ISO 8 made it stronger hahah
  • I have a 5 star Hulk almost 2 years, and I've got a magneto recently (magneto is another piece of garbage in game, but who is so much strong on comic books) and I'm talking about Hulk because he has potencial to be much better than most Champs. That's just my opinion and I realize that It is a waste of time trying to make…
  • He could have the same ability of Hulk Ragnarok, the resistence to energy damage (Limbo, Mefisto's aurea, Ômega damage) regenerating 70% of the damage. And he could stack furies in the fights, like sabretooth, but only using especials. Changing just some sinergies to improve the furies that he stacks and only. This would…
  • If u can call that a buff, I know there's a lot of champs that need it, but u can't compare they with Hulk on HQ.