DOCTOR_d00b ★
You get to select any of the 7*s released at launch.
Came here to ask this. This will be helpful to figure out my current necropilis runs.
You are right, I always get the Summoner Sigil and the monthly unit deal but after this I won't be getting that and going strictly FtP.
They gave the Thronebreaker Summoners "Rich Get Richer" node boost and Cavalier Summoners got the brand new "Rooted" node keeping us planted at Cavalier. Nice.
I would of spent $500+ but nah eff that, might use that money now to build a computer.
Watch them release a "Thronebreaker breakthru bundle!" On the last day of the sale to try and get us to get that T5CC Selector. Kascammed. We should go give them a 1* rating on the app store, that'll teach them.
In-Game Name: DOCTOR d00b Device and Model: Samsung Note 20 Ultra 5G Device Operating System: Android Version 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: Latest Version Game Mode: All modes Description of the Issue: Game lags in all modes. Have not had disconnect or force close issues but the lag is horrible. Lag…
We should all get 3*/4* dupped namor and cull then since its not fair for everyone else who didn't sell there unduped namor and cull since the ones who did get to keep them.