DaBills ★
@RICHARDIKBIG our alliance is open, come and play as you like 😁. In game at DaBills.
Need one more. Thanks.
@FinCarroll99 we are running Map 5, Gold 4. You can contact me in game or on line at DaBills. Thanks!
What you got @Sharpboy27 ? Contact me on line at DaBills.
Do you have line? What's your in game?
Still looking 😁
Looking for 1 more. Thanks.
Still need 1. Bueller, Bueller?? 😁.
@Brhyno yes we are.
Still need 2 before AW season :)
@JustSomeGuy if you didn't find a place contact me on line at DaBills. Thanks.
@Siliyo are you still looking?
2 no shows so we are still looking. Thanks!
@Nachotac099_ we run Map 5 and are Gold 3 in AW. Contact me if you want to chat. In game or on line at DaBills. Thanks.
@MajorPayne1 we are looking. We run Map 5 and are Gold 3 in AW. Line ID is DaBills. Thanks.
Looking for 2. Thanks! Go Bills 🏈
Still looking. Thanks.
Still looking. Thanks!
Still need one more. Thanks.
Hey @Drchocolate01 not sure what you are looking for but we are pretty chill 🙃. In game or on line at DaBills. Thanks.
@tjgiggles I think we have what you are looking for :). In game or on line at DaBills. Thanks!
@1captainbob2 did you find a spot yet? We fit your bill. In game or on line at DaBills. Thanks.
@Wenj we still have a spot. In game or on line at DaBills. Thanks.
@Redrhino we are mature and relaxed 😊. We do no item war. We also run Map 4 to give people a chance to work on thier accounts. In game or on line at DaBills if interested. Thanks!
Still need one. Go Bills 🏈😁
@Htb we are currently running Map 4 with mods. Are only requirement is AQ and line. We run war but not mandatory, it's nice for the rewards though. We are Gold 3. My line is DaBills. Thanks!
@Whdns hey, I sent you a message on line but not sure it was you. You can reach out to me at DaBills on line or in game. Thanks.
Still need 1. Thanks!