
  • I ended up in 1044. Seeing cheaters in the leaderboard meant for me that I will at least be around 944 (by subtracting the 100ish cheater that were banned but not removed from the leaderboard). Now I still get rewards for top 2500 not too 1000. Another disappointment from Kabam’s side. I start hating this game for real and…
  • Kabam, why are you insisting on nerfing moleman and not doing double but triple the work? RDTs are not gonna bring the joy of players who love to play him as he was. Why are you focusing on nerfing character and making community sad instead of fixing actual game bugs and making players happy? What will happen after RDTs…
  • I cannot believe Kabam still put in effort to activate the nerf!!! Guys come on! Why insisting on turning down player base and disappoint us? You guys put in effort to nerf him in the last patch, didn’t work, still put in effort and waste the dev’s time to make it happen. I mean why? All of us see that he’s not OP or…
  • Dear Kabam, This Moleman situation is an opportunity for you. We as a player base, we have passed through a lot of tough times in the past year due to the input issues and it’s unfortunate consequences on people giving up on content or getting kicked from their alliances due to deaths that’s out of their hands and many…
  • It’s really unfortunate to see thousands of players frustrated because there is a champ that they love and who got justice when buffed is now getting nerfed. I understand it’s a bug fix but weighing the amount of negative emotions from that “fix” vs how people were satisfied with his previous state and how much they will…