DanThaMan123 ★
I'm currently looking for the right alliance. Look me up, ign: Dan tha Man 123, Line: Danthaman123 (-6)
I rarely post but must say I feel like Kabam is going too far catering to whales and spenders. Those who are upset with the offers should not only voice their feelings here, but on the App or Play Stores as well (1 star ratings and comments).
Looking for 1 US based player for 6x5 AQ and optional war (2 bgs). Looking to get into, and stay in top 250 in AQ, pics below show last finish in AQ. Contact Gambinokevin in Line or In Game.
Check us out. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/204804/lf-5-players-to-fill-out-last-bg-in-6x5-alliance#latest
I did mine this morning and was between 3:01 and 3:02. Used iPhone XR and had a few times where it took 10-20 seconds to move from one node to another but nothing major. Hoping my time is good enough because I will never do another run like that again.
Same issue for me. I made runs with friends but when I tried with random partner, locked up right away. Started yesterday about 7pm and still going on today at 9:40am.
I'm interested, what is your alliance's tag?
I'm interested. Search didn't find you in Line.
I'm looking again. As title states, looking for relaxed 66555 through 5*5 US based alliance, all bgs. Gold 1 or better in AW. Line for communication.
Thanks, but not interested in another chat app on my phone.
If you still have a spot, send me an invite, DanthaMan123.
I'm interested, what is your alliance tag? My IGN is DanthaMan123
Did you find an alliance? If not we are looking. Here is a link to our post, https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/134737/lf-skilled-player-needed-for-uk-us-bg-gold1-54444-or-55555#latest
LF2 to finish the war season with us. Gold 1 in AW and 130m+ in AQ
LF1 Hey Everyone We are a group of mostly uncollected players who are all active daily and play for fun. We run three BGs. 2 are uk/euro teams. 1 team is from the USA. All players are in the GMT -8 to +1 range. Since we start AW and AQ at 20:00 gmt it makes life much easier having players in the same bg within a few hours…
LF1 Spot opening up in next 12 hours if anyone meets the above qualifications and is looking for a gold 1 AW and 130m AQ alliance.
5 hours until next AQ cycle starts if any qualified champion is looking for a Gold 1 (AW) 130m (AQ) alliance to join. We have one spot open.
We are full, thank you and happy battling!
Hello, we are an 18m alliance, 555 544 544 544 544 AQ (120m+ rewards), Gold 1 AW Assigned BGs but not lines Donations 30k Gold, 2k loyalty Rest in off season Line ID DanthaMan123 IGN Dan tha Man 123 Let me know if interested
We are 18m alliance, 555 544 544 544 544 AQ (120m+ rewards), Gold 1 AW Donations 30k Gold, 2k loyalty Rest in off season I sent you a msg on Line.
We are an 18m alliance, 555 544 544 544 544 AQ (120m+ rewards), Gold 1 AW Donations 30k Gold, 2k loyalty Rest in off season Let me know if interested. Spot opening up in next hour.
We are an 18m alliance, 555 544 544 544 544 AQ (120m+ rewards), Gold 1 AW Donations 30k Gold, 2k loyalty Rest in off season Spot opening up in next hour. Let me know if interested.
Have a spot opening up in less than an hour if anyone is looking. Sent you a direct message 15topshelf.
We are full now but I will let you know if/when a spot opens up.
See if you think you might be a good fit with us. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/133787/looking-for-a-few-active-capable-players-to-join-our-alliance#latest