DarktheExecutor ★
If this is replacing Summoner Appreciation, then I think we have a small problem. Unless people who pay are getting EXTRA and FTP are getting the same amount, this is extremely unfair. You are basically saying that to get rewards that were originally there in the title as APPRECIATION rewards for just simply PLAYING THE…
Ok I might start putting some resources into HT while I wait for my CAIW.
Thanks for the advice. Do you have any idea who can replace void?
Ok thanks a lot, will use a class gem on her. What champions can replace void?
In-Game Name: Exacution2007 Device and Model: iPhone 6 Plus Device Operating System: IOS 12.5.1 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 30.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: During the past year, I've been experiencing increasing amounts of the game crashing at times. It started with Silver Surfer's SP3,…